7 thoughts on “BFO386 – Mother Nature’s Candy

  1. The smoke at the local horrah bars bugs me too. That’s the reason I’m usually wearing a gas-mask with the boots, chaps and harness by the end of the night. Well, ONE of the reasons…

  2. That girl who was talking at the city council wasn’t one of my students. But she rambled on like Sarah Palin….she didn’t make any sense….like Sarah Palin.

    Can’t wait for tomorrow!

  3. Hey BF I am not sure if this youtube is maybe the one they sent you. If it is I am sorry. But since you have made me laugh so much I would like to share this with you and see if you makes you laugh. I think the little piggy at the end is you with that little grin. LOL


    For some of you who find gastual explotions offensive you might not want to watch this.

  4. BOO!

    -You’re right, Big Fat One, being straight sucks!

    Say, and here’s my Ask Big Fatty question:

    How come you get laid so damn much?

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