6 thoughts on “BFO934 – Missing Sling

  1. Fam-i-ly
    n. pl.
    A group of men who ogle and lust after a living legends enormous penis.

  2. No wonder Bob, the Faroes are next to New Zealand which is next to Australia, i.e. we are in the same time zone! In Vulgariah that is reason enough for a puppet show!

  3. This was a good show today, really. I mean, I think I heard everything, didn’t day dream ….

    I am so happy to hear more callers on the show. I am going on calling hiatus until Chrima.

    I am up at the high school and there is a creeper in a Denali across the street.

    Its cloudy here.

    So, is Vegas the next thing up for you?

    Let me apologize to you for making you the comptroller. I wonder who entered the contest? I wonder if they are all going to Vegas? I wonder if Wes and Daniel remember it. I wonder a lot. I wonder who was winning. They should just be able to claim the prize.

    I really only care about all the bookkeeping & financial statements you need to maintain.

    Well, kids are coming out now. Going home to change, take kid to work, go to the gym and then take sweaty self to work for 3 hours.

    Poor Big Fatty! Sleepy from the Novella.

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