6 thoughts on “BFO1040 – State Factoids

  1. Does anybody know how to contact the Dairy Fairy? Can anybody get him to call in? Miss that guy.

  2. If we can request people call in, I would like to hear from Rob Lindley.

    I want his vote!!!! I am behind on the little show so I don’t even know what the heck I need to do to (what’s it called? Register my campaign?). Damn! Guru will win on a technicality!

  3. Dear Gussie! Thanks for the heads up, KB2 (as in ‘too’ or ‘also’). Snicker-snick!

    Aha!! Maybe if I sneak some pictures of smelly ….

    Not sure what this bag talk is about, I gotta get caught up on ‘da littel sho’ I guess.

    Well, checked in my hotel in OKC & its 66 degrees. Time to start knocking on some doors and getting some support on those tolls! It makes no sense to not have a coin vending machine on site or accept debit cards! This has got to change! I want travels from Arkansas to Dallas to be smooth sailing!!

    We *heart* Adam Burns!

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