3 thoughts on “BFO188 – Trainwreck Friday

  1. Sweet mother of god! You were singing through the whole show! My ears were bleeding! But I did enjoy that song about trying to remember. I could relate to that one.

  2. Yes, Monday is Labour Day (and thank U for spelling it correctly), but that’s Sunday in the US, and you don’t podcast then so OF COURSE I won’t be listening! Silly goose) speaking of which, did they have Red Goose Shoes where you grew up? I really wanted the prizes but never got them…). I actually DO remember that “remember” song and such, probably from when it was new, but I remember it sounding better. Maybe it’s just me. And, since I can’t see the entire right hand side of my comment, this might be mostly gibberish, inwhich case it’s RUINED, too.

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