3 thoughts on “BFO2373 – Hunting Accident

  1. Lol, I look dead as a door nail 🙂
    I love you BigFatty – you always make me laugh and spew my cheerios 🙂

  2. No doubt about it: I gotta make my comments easier to read.

    Dear Miss Bacon: please watch out for those cheerios–we don’t want to have to do the Heinrich maneuver on you!

    I put cheerios directly up my nose.
    That way they spew farther when Big Fatty makes me guffaw!

  3. Thanks for the advice sweet Cathy.
    I have the same initials as the wonderful and amazing Miss Bacon, but I don’t share her brilliance.
    I am just a momentarily lurking admirer from the Faroe Islands 🙂

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