4 thoughts on “BFO176 – The Buttload Episode

  1. Lol – you have a singing voice like a little lark 🙂 I agree you definitely should sing more on the podcast –
    Of course you ought to elaborate a bit more the HORRAR weekend? Why were you so elusive about that? Did the sling break again?!
    Oh Lord!

    love ya xo

  2. I have not been to the Milwaukee before nor have I had Maria’s pizza. I’m sure it’s wonderful though.

    You certainly made yourself laugh a few times when trying to talk. Loved it.

    And please, no vegtabletarian items.

  3. CLEARLY I’m not the Big “booper”. I ain’t there for the ladies, only the cheese! Actually, I’ve never had just cheese. I’ve ALWAYS gotten the SMO.

    Archerr says “last supper” like he Jesus or something! hehehe

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