BFO4441 – Pork Shank

The Fat One is back with a recap of the weekend which included dinner and a show, getting ready for the #1 fan contest, preparing for the Superb Owl party (other than a Friday at Fatty’s evening), another coupon and lots of nattering. In other words, year 18 is already a train wreck. Happy National Cream Cheese Brownie Day.

This artwork was NOT done by Mrs. LaLaLaLauren

BFO4440 – Start of Year 18

It’s the start of year of the BFO and, as is tradition, the $1, #2 and #3 fans of the BFO are drawn from the colostomy bag and announced. But before that, the Fat One has some comments about the Big Game and the commercials plus the final #1 Fan entries are read. Regular show tomorrow (6 this week). Happy Pork Rind Appreciation Day.

BFO4439 – End of Year 17

The Fat One closes out the 17th year of the LITTLE show by recapping his day in Fat Acres before reading LOTS of #1 fan entries. Don’t forget that the 2025 #1, #2 and #3 fans of the BFO will be announced during halftime of the Superb Owl plus comments of the sportsball game and commercials. Happy National Bubble Gum Day.

BFO4437 – 20 minutes of entertainment ….

After several “Good Morning” greetings, the Fat One natters about a dream involving the Ham Map, reads more #1 fan entries and recaps his day plus there’s even time for some voiceletters. Happy National Chocolate Fondue Day.

BFO4435 – It’s That Time Again!

The Fat One starts off the So-So month of February with a reminder about Cathy Marshall’s So-So Question Month then recognizes new folks who have joined the Ham Map. He also recognizes last minute entries for the 2025 #1 Fan Contest before recapping the weekend and sharing a traditional song which is played on this date. Happy National Carrot Cake Day.

BFO4434 – Buh Buh

After the Vulgarian National Anthem, the Fat One closes out the week with a recap of the wine dinner, an unexpected additional coupon, some cooking talk and a reminder of the deadline for submissions to be the 2025 #1 fan of the BFO. Happy National Hot Chocolate Day.

BFO4433 – New Points of Interest

The Fat One is back with a recap of his day which included a trip to Shady Pines, a Ham Map upgrade, the coupon, an Earl Gray update and a check of termites. Happy National Croissant Day.

BFO4432 – Seniorcize, Shoes and Sam’s

After several “Good Morning” greetings, the Fat One recaps his day in Fat Acres that include a sale on shoes, the return of Seniorcize class (which included gas) and a trip to Sam’s Club which also included gas… but there’s still time for a voiceletter or two. Happy National Corn Chip Day.