BFO4414 – Soda Crackers

The Fat One closes out the first (partial) week of 2025 with a recap of his day in Fat Acres with a final (hopefully) update on Olive’s estate, the start of taking down the Chrima and New Year’s decorations and the VERY DIFFICULT cancellation process of the Earl Gray satellite radio. Happy National Chocolate Covered Cherries Day.

BFO4395 – Giant Wreath?

The Fat One returns with a recap of a busy weekend in Fat Acres that included Friday at Fatty’s, the final piece of Olive’s Estate, a Gentleman Caller, lots of Chrima cooking and some Shenanigans from The Nip. Happy National Pastry Day.

BFO4391 – It’s Finished! Done! Put to Bed!

The Fat One is back with a recap of his day in Fat Acres which included the FINAL decorating of the Villa, a visit down a rabbit hole and the first reviews of the Advent Tea Calendar from Moose P. Happy National Apple Pie Day.

BFO4344 – Helene and Her Pears

The Fat One closes out the week with a recap of his day which included the monthly wine dinner, distribution of Olive’s Estate, a (Aunt) CLARAfication and so much more. Happy National Corned Beef Hash Day.

BFO4342 – Closing Olive’s Estate?

After some “Good Morning” greetings, the Fat One returns and FINALLY finishes recapping his weekend plus Monday and Tuesday which includes nattering about the iNatter16Fat and the Apple10 o’clock and an Apple snack “getcha”, updates on Olive’s estate and a fashion faux pas. Happy National Quesadilla Day AND three months until Chrima.

BFO4339 – Last Weekend of Summer (Northern Hemisphere)

The Fat One is at the Metropolis Entertainment Complex for a hurrah event but took time to natter through a LITTLE show for you before leaving. The an Olive update, lots of Nattering and several voiceletters. Happy National String Cheese Day.

BFO4336 – Is He Light In His Loafers?

The Fat One realized that he skipped over big doin’s when he recapped the weekend so heaters about that, then turns to Olive news, Earl Gray fever, quiz programs, a gas report and the Corn Moon. Happy National Apple Dumpling Day.

BFO4298 – It’s Been A Year

Chrima in July Week continues with an explanation of the next couple of LITTLE show, a recap of his day in Fat Acres, the coupon and a Chrima voiceletter. Happy National Hot Fudge Sundae Day.