BFO4447 – Look What I Found!

The Fat One is back with a recap of his day which includes a new segment from the BFO Archives, an update on the Book Club, a Ham Map message to Crooked Hat and LOTS of Downtowning! Happy National Drink Wine Day.

BFO4446 – Can She Bake a Cherry Pie?

The Fat One has dusted off his powdered wig in celebration of George Birthington’s Washday (observed) and shares details of his weekend and new pins on the Ham Map. Happy National Indian Pudding Day.

BFO4445 – Happy Day Before 1/2 Price Candies

The Fat One closes out VD Week with a recap of his day in Fat Acres which was basically like all the others but there’s also a So-So Question that prompts a Technology Segment. Happy National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day.

BFO4442 – Book Club Review

The Fat One regales you with his thoughts on the first book in the “Wicked” series but also talks at his Superb Owl gathering and his day in Fat Acres. Plus there’s a surprise call and a trip into the Way Back machine. Happy National Peppermint Patty Day.

BFO4439 – End of Year 17

The Fat One closes out the 17th year of the LITTLE show by recapping his day in Fat Acres before reading LOTS of #1 fan entries. Don’t forget that the 2025 #1, #2 and #3 fans of the BFO will be announced during halftime of the Superb Owl plus comments of the sportsball game and commercials. Happy National Bubble Gum Day.

BFO4434 – Buh Buh

After the Vulgarian National Anthem, the Fat One closes out the week with a recap of the wine dinner, an unexpected additional coupon, some cooking talk and a reminder of the deadline for submissions to be the 2025 #1 fan of the BFO. Happy National Hot Chocolate Day.

BFO4429 – Farewell Norah!

The Fat One closes out the week with some unexpected Norah news before he takes a look at the Ham Map and reminds everyone of the #1 Fan contest. Plus he recaps his day in snowy Fat Acres and even has time for an e-letter from Patty, Patty Bacon. Happy National Peanut Butter Day.

BFO4428 – The Weather Rat Was Right!

The Fat One is back from snowy Fat Acres to recap the past few days which included Granny with an automotive calamity, a gentleman caller, plenty of weather updates and nattering. Happy National Rhubarb Pie Day.

BFO4426 – Leather Weather Recap #1

The Fat One has returned from a very successful Leather Weather weekend and starts to recap the specifics but visits the Ham Map and announces the first entries in the #1 Fan Contest. Happy New England Clam Chowder Day.