BFO4437 – 20 minutes of entertainment ….

After several “Good Morning” greetings, the Fat One natters about a dream involving the Ham Map, reads more #1 fan entries and recaps his day plus there’s even time for some voiceletters. Happy National Chocolate Fondue Day.

BFO4432 – Seniorcize, Shoes and Sam’s

After several “Good Morning” greetings, the Fat One recaps his day in Fat Acres that include a sale on shoes, the return of Seniorcize class (which included gas) and a trip to Sam’s Club which also included gas… but there’s still time for a voiceletter or two. Happy National Corn Chip Day.

BFO4417 – A Bejesus Deficiency

After the first “Good Morning” greetings of the new year, the Fat One speaks about Garry with two Rs who was involved in a serious vehicular accident and offers good thought to him and DJ Ron on the recovery. Afterwards, he chats about his day in Fat Acres which included a Coal Miner visit, the return of Seniorcize and details about Leather Weather weekend. Miss Bacon calls in with an Ax story too! Happy National English Toffee Day.

BFO4407 – Merry Chrima!

After some “Good Morning Big Fatty” greetings, the Fat One (not the one dressed all in fur from his head to his foot) recaps his day in Fat Acres which includes some Chrima memories, several voiceletters and the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! Happy National Tamales Day.

BFO4399 – Wash Your Sister Sauce

The Fat One pre-recorded today’s LITTLE show and shares some Chrima memories and a sentimental moment before taking some voiceletters (some which sound VULGAH). Happy National Cocoa Day.

BFO4377 – Fill The Bowl

After some “Good Morning Big Fatty” greetings, the Fat One returns with some voiceletters, an “Ask Big Fatty” question, nattering about the upcoming Podcasters of America dinner at the Colonnade in Hatlanta and a new discovery in the Apple Snack Podcast App. Happy National Indian Pudding Day.

BFO4374 – A 24-hour Rewind

The Fat One returns to cover the show items he missed on the Thursday LITTLE show and, in turn, misses some of the Friiiiiiday LITTLE show items. Poor Big Fatty. Happy National Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day.

BFO4368 – Even The Boring Bits Aren’t So Bad

Happy Gay Chrima! After the Vulgarian National Anthem, the Fat One changes things up a bit and plays some voiceletters including a Bacon Theater submission, plus there’s a recap of the day but without the coupon (which he’ll read tomorrow) and some Earl Gray news. Happy National Caramel Apple Day.

BFO4347 – Wednesday is Trash Day

After several “Good Morning Big Fatty” greetings, the Fat One presents a pre-recorded rundown of the Alaska itinerary to include restaurants and points of interest. Plus there’s an “Ask Big Fatty” question and several voiceletters. Happy National Fried Scallops Day.