BFO1874 – Into the Pokey

The Fat One natters today after the Vulgarian National Anthem. There’s an Ask Big Fatty question, an update on the weekend, a recap of the annual physical, taking possession of the Fat Villa and a quiz for old farts. Happy Tater Day.


BFO1872 – Keep Em On Their Toes

The Fat One has a little fun on today’s LITTLE show. There’s a surprise near the beginning and a couple of real groaners but there are also some voice letters, a visit to Spotting Big Fatty, a sports ball report and nattering about tv machine shows and a fond memory. Happy Weekend!


BFO1867 – Cootie Patootie

The Fat One closes out the week with a Pride48 Vegas update, a visit to Spotting Big Fatty , voice letters, an Ask Big Fatty question and another scratch-off. Happy first weekend of Spring (Fall in the future).

CLICK HERE to go to the Pride48 Reservation Code for Vegas.
