BFO4292 – Extra Savings!

After some Good Morning wishes, the Fat One returns with a recap of his day in Fat Acres which included sportsball, an extra coupon and a request for you to consider. Lurkers have until Friiiiiiiday to get in touch and make BF happy. Happy National Peach Ice Cream Day.

IF you can help Gustopher and Steve the Tater, CLICK HERE.

BFO4258 – Ruth Kent and Bob Van Camp

The Fat One seems to have another themed LITTLS show today which includes another episode of “As The Colon Churns,” the coupon, Summer Quiz Programs and plenty of nattering. Happy National Mint Julep Day.

CLICK HERE to see the video mentioned on today’s LITTLE show.

BFO4224 – Nine Years in the Villa

The Fat One is celebrating the villaversirarium this weekend but first updates you on his day in Fat Acres which included a 90% off sale, cheese and a gas report. Happy National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day.

BFO4138 – The “Yeah, Whatever” Bowl

The Fat One closes out the week with a recap of his day in Fat Acres by discussing quiz programs, a $100 decision, sportsball and some Apple snack updates. Happy National Cupcake Day.

BFO4097 – Mr. Harry

The Fat One chats about upcoming visitors to the Villa before recapping his day in Fat Acres which included a trip to Shady Pines, an update on the Villa storm door, quiz program chat and, of course, the coupon. Happy National Seafood Bisque Day.

BFO4087 – Same Fat Time, Same Fat Channel

The Fat One returns with some Nip Shenanigan’s and a recap of his day in Fat Acres which included some quiz programs, a trip to Mr. Freeze and shopping at the Vons East… but time ran out before he could finish the recap. Happy National Betty Day.

BFO4047 – Completing 67 Years

It’s a special day at the villa and you get to hear all the details despite being interrupted by lovely voiceletters. There’s a coupon report plus the announcement of the renaming of Shart Week. Happy National S’Mores Day.