BFO4279 – 6 Years Retired

After the Vulgarian National Anthem, the Fat One opens the mystery package that arrived earlier in the week, plays some voiceletters and recaps his day in Fat Acres which included the monthly wine dinner. Happy National Tapioca Day.

BFO4248 – Shenique’s Podcast

The Fat One is back, although his memory seems to elsewhere, for a recap of his day in Fat Acres that included a trip to the Lowell’s and Costco, a Mexican postcard and the weekly coupon. Happy International Pickle Day (hence the artwork).

BFO4246 – Awaiting the RSS Feed

The Fat One debuts a new segment on today’s LITTLE show in addition to almost sharing information in the Technology Segment, nattering about his day in Fat Acres, taking a voiceletter and opening a surprise giftette. Happy National Buttermilk Biscuit Day.

Many thanks to Mrs. LaLaLaLauren for creating the new show art for the new segment.

BFO4190 – 3 or 4 Syllables?

The Fat One returns for the final week of So-So Question Month with a recap of his day in Fat Acres which included the whole crew at Friday at Fatty’s, a So-So question and a package from the lesbiterian delivery service. Happy National Pistachio Day.

BFO4118 – Turlet Celebrations

The Fat One closes out the week with a recap of his day in Fat Acres which included a surprise giftette, nattering, Olive estate work and a kerfuffle. Happy National Baklava Day.

Special thanks to the #1 fan of the BFO for 2023 for today’s artwork…. or is it Shartwork?