8 thoughts on “HP001 – Hi!

  1. Well that was unexpected.
    Excellent work, Poodle. How’s your cousin Canoodle? In fact, how’s your whole… family?

  2. I found this particular little show very moving; in fact it moved my bowels and now I feel absolutely unplugged! Thank you Poodle! You have made one little alien very… happy! Love Ikk xx

  3. Hello Poodle! It is me, Ikk The Alien! I loved your little show! It found it moving! Sorry… I meant to type… I found that listening to your show helped with moving my bowels and now I am a much less clogged up E.T.! So, thank you! You have made one small formerly constipated young alien so much happier! Love you! Ikk xxx PS Bark! Bark! Bark! Woof?!

  4. Sorry Poodle… I appear to have typed two messages… Now three messages! I have never typed into a web-site before. Apologies… Oh dear… How do you hang this thing up?

  5. Here’s Poodle!
    Love your show!
    Have lots of cake!

    Hug Big Fatty and Squeeze Squeaky Kitty!

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