Poopy McPoop Poop

The Fat One isn’t feeling well so there’s no show today.  It’s nothing serious, just a stomach virus or something…. on second thought THAT might be big problem.

8 thoughts on “Poopy McPoop Poop

  1. Honey, we all hope you feel better soon. A little toooo much action in the sling since the Biloxi Blues is not keeping you busy during the week?

  2. Honey, we all hope you feel better soon. A little toooo much action in the sling since the Biloxi Blues is not keeping you busy during the week? We miss you.

  3. Awe, it’s because you didn’t get your Pepsi Points on Sunday, isn’t it? Poopy…I hope we still get 5 shows this week…;o)

  4. I was about to kill myself today. I felt so depressed not hearing big Daddy. then I read this blog, which saved my life. Feel Better Big FATTY!!!

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