BFO1303 – Bailiwick

The Fat One has the show art working again today (no idea why it didn’t work yesterday) and has some nattering about the coupon, a visit to the P.O. Box and LOTS of voice letters. Happy National Tortilla Chip Day. PLUS send Larry Klye a Happy Exiting the Birth Canal message on the Twitty!


6 thoughts on “BFO1303 – Bailiwick

  1. Sigh, I once thought too to be super smart and listened to BF on double speed – until I realized
    that he records on half!

  2. Well now… That took a long time to get to you. I mailed it the 7th? Those damn mail carriers must be eating too much conch salad…

  3. Poodle getting vulgah phone calls has been some of the most hilarious no material in a long time. I hope HatM stays sick, forever. Sorry HatM.

  4. Kim bacon.

    Love it.

    Dang it! Missed the Larry Klye wish. I think he is private on twitter – so! Belated birthday wishes Larry.

    I hope Vader calls to Vote Bacon! oxoxooxoxoxoxkxk

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