8 thoughts on “BFO839 – Send Out a Pulse

  1. I haven’t listened yet, just want to add one more name I thought of for the KBO/Vagina Online.
    Hear Pie.


    Good Morning – the $10 is for you to either buy a sammich for lunch or a bag of candy for your fat co-workers.

    Much love, Ms. Bat $hit crazy. UGH!!!!

    If you just read the notes they would flow and make sense.

  3. #winner

    You made me laugh!!!! Ugh! Smelly called the insurance company to get a quote for insurance for a 16 YO & it was $2600 for 6 months. No thanks! Well, I Blew-it-out on the twitties and LurryDean called me on it.

    I love Lurry.

  4. Kimbeaver – :).

    If only big fatty could read! I seriously am glad he is a miner of coal and has nothing to do with the periodicals!!!

    Womp-womp! Its WHY the love is mutual, I guess! Thanks HatM!

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