Have a Happy Hootenanny!
“I’m old, I’m fat, I’m grey, I’m bald and I don’t remember my zip code… Don’t you love me?”
Have a Happy Hootenanny!
“I’m old, I’m fat, I’m grey, I’m bald and I don’t remember my zip code… Don’t you love me?”
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I will take 3 – they are for sale, aren’t they?
Lol Trucker Alex always finds the craziest shit. Gosh Auntie Vera is so famous that they sell her very own action figure!
Awwwwwww I want one too!!
Holy Crap!!! It IS me!
That is fantastic!
Could we have a Tiki-themed episode?
Are the hips articulated?
Look, he even has his hands down the way he holds Gooch!