BFO4258 – Ruth Kent and Bob Van Camp

The Fat One seems to have another themed LITTLS show today which includes another episode of “As The Colon Churns,” the coupon, Summer Quiz Programs and plenty of nattering. Happy National Mint Julep Day.

CLICK HERE to see the video mentioned on today’s LITTLE show.

5 thoughts on “BFO4258 – Ruth Kent and Bob Van Camp

  1. You evil man! Deliberately planting ear worms in your listeners. How do we get rid of them? Evil I telll you, evil.

  2. I need to just cave and spend the cash ~ I need the pet roomba for carpet and hardwood and an air purifier for kitty cat dander I’m about to get in the next month! Any suggestions?

    And I was like, Suzie Chapstick??? Whaaaat??

  3. Junior Mints are my childhood treat at the movies, although I never eat them any other time. I have recently bought some York peppermint patties. They remind me of my grandmother. She enjoyed a York peppermint patty.

  4. Maybe it’s a good thing I don’t watch tv. I didn’t know the velamints song.

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