4 thoughts on “BFO927 – Happy Burp Day

  1. Big Fatty, you really need a Friday song to get us ready for the weekend. Just saying!

  2. Larken – we can’t come up with a suitable name for us ‘suckers’ who keep coming back for Fatty Love, John Haas is in retirement but his ‘never tightened’ up song is still played. Yes!! Use that fanck MBP (MacBook Pro, sometimes BF’s slow) and make a Friday song. Maybe you could use it to close your Thursday show?


  3. Shit!! I was going to call on Friday but there were too many people around the phone at the coalmine.
    Could you please tell us if you think the G.C. traffic has picked up since you stopped announcing duties?
    In a bizarre twist, do any other listeners realize that you could actually be introduced as “my newest most regular g.caller” by your oldest most regular g.caller?

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