8 thoughts on “Farewell Hatarina!

  1. Many blessings to you as the Hatarina exited the roller coaster and boarded the Sweet Chariot.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. The Hatarina passed peacefully, that is all that we can ask. Please be good to yourself. Hugs.

  3. Sincerest condolences BigFatty. Take your time. I‘m with you with my thoughts and love!
    Big Beaver Hugs

  4. My sincere condolences to you and your family. It is always hard to lose a love one of your family. Giant Penguin Hugs Big Fatty!

  5. Just checking in and hoping your hanging in there. You’re in our thoughts. It’s so painful when a loved one leaves us but your momma is in a much happier place with the Orange Hat.

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