The Fat One is convinced that Auntie Vera Charles was lurking in the shadows during the Gay Days. Can you figure out which of these might have been Vera?
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The Fat One is convinced that Auntie Vera Charles was lurking in the shadows during the Gay Days. Can you figure out which of these might have been Vera?
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I pick #5 because of the plaid shirt. hehehe
Great job 🙂 I love #6 🙂
Oh My!! The carts were workin’ overtime!!!
These are obviously fakes. Vera is waaaaaaay bigger than these.
I was leaning towards #4 until I realized that is actually Liza Minnelli. Given the stylish purple frock, it MUST be #1. Gooch is, no doubt, off fetching green tea.
Awesome shots! I think Vera is in #5 holding her colostomy bag…
This is a trick question. Clearly none of them are Auntie Vera because none of them are wearing Hawaiian shirts.
#4 for sho.
All of you are wrong. None of those pictures are of me. I was at a BBQ picnic at the time the Fat Thing was clicking away.
This is me:
So much for trying to post a link here. Ruined.
It has to be #5. Will the real Antique Vera please stand up … oh, wait … I mean drive your scooter forward.
number 5 – if she had on a red shirt.
I still like one diabetic sock Vera.