9 thoughts on “BFO001 – Someone Else Can Hold the Fucking Coats”
Yeay! Episode one! Hmm, now I won’t have anything to listen to at work tomorrow.
CRIKEY! – the bug-eyed, finger point pic is already making me nervous. I may revert back to eating my own hair… again – this is not good.
Oh lord, can I please get that 20 mins of my life back? RUINED
Fabulous! and by fabulous I mean RUINED!
love it! can’t wait for episode #2!
yeah! The official beginning of Big Fatty online! I love the segments. I’m going to have submit my application to be on The Gaze. I’d be happy to be a guest sometime. You got a good number of voice mails for your first show. It’s so popular already! You’re off to a great start!
That was a much better way to spend the SB half-time than looking at Janet Jackson’s nipple!
I thought I better wait to say anything this time until others had. Didn’t want to jump the gun again. Great to have you back officially, BF! The new segments sound good, too. But fancy skipping me on your first reading of the non-ham map when I was among the first to sign up. Finger!
What a HORRAH-fying way to wake up on Monday morning…with TWO episodes of Big Fatty Online. RUINED!
I must be REALLY bored (or I haven’t set the new Vera RSS feed on my phone) to be listening to this.
Yeay! Episode one! Hmm, now I won’t have anything to listen to at work tomorrow.
CRIKEY! – the bug-eyed, finger point pic is already making me nervous. I may revert back to eating my own hair… again – this is not good.
Oh lord, can I please get that 20 mins of my life back? RUINED
Fabulous! and by fabulous I mean RUINED!
love it! can’t wait for episode #2!
yeah! The official beginning of Big Fatty online! I love the segments. I’m going to have submit my application to be on The Gaze. I’d be happy to be a guest sometime. You got a good number of voice mails for your first show. It’s so popular already! You’re off to a great start!
That was a much better way to spend the SB half-time than looking at Janet Jackson’s nipple!
I thought I better wait to say anything this time until others had. Didn’t want to jump the gun again. Great to have you back officially, BF! The new segments sound good, too. But fancy skipping me on your first reading of the non-ham map when I was among the first to sign up. Finger!
What a HORRAH-fying way to wake up on Monday morning…with TWO episodes of Big Fatty Online. RUINED!
I must be REALLY bored (or I haven’t set the new Vera RSS feed on my phone) to be listening to this.