BFO1170 – You Could Hear a Gasp!

The Fat One has a full recap of the weekend to include Tiara Horror and a visit by The Graveetas! Plus there is news on the BFO App in iTunes (this DOES NOT apply to Android Hemorrhoid users). Many thanks to Miss LaLaLaLauren for today’s artwork (which BF altered for the HORROR report).

6 thoughts on “BFO1170 – You Could Hear a Gasp!

  1. Pineapple Princess always reminds me of DJDJ. He use to always sing it in the truck,I had never heard it before(on the BFO is the only other place). Any chance of a clip sometime? Kyle might enjoy it as well.

  2. Ok
    1. Take a look at today’s show art
    2. Look who has knocked
    3. See the horrified look on the face of poor Vera


  3. I need visual proof of those pink flip flops, otherwise it definitely didn’t happen! I hope you washed those feet with the kitty cat smell soap the beaver sent you.

  4. I agree with HatM. I want to see a Film Strip of that shit! Is there one available?

  5. Do they really ask how many terlets there are in your house? If that’s the case, then I guess Vera would say “just one,” because Extra-Capacity Depends means she can let loose anywhere in the house….

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