6 thoughts on “BFO268 – Conscience and The Sea Hag are Here!

  1. I agree with Arthur…..as much as I LOVE Auntie, you couldn’t come up with any other podcasters to talk to? We have Auntie Vera for 4 days??? hehehe…just teasing of course….love you both!

  2. Lovies,

    If you listen closely you will hear that ‘the fat thing’ asked if I could think of any other podcasters that I wanted to “gossip” about. Since I am not down in the muck and mire that ‘the fat thing’ wallows in, I chose to rise above and NOT gossip about any of my fellow podcasting lovies. Had he said “are there any other podcasters that you love…” well…that would have been a different story!

    Hope that helps kisses,

  3. That clarifies it perfectly, Auntie. I actually can’t imagine you gossiping about podcasters though, of course, conscience might under the right circumstances (like, you’re out of the room…). Big Fatty doesn’t usually gossip: He just borrows audio clips (which, just between us, is actually funnier).

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