BFO488 – Chrima Spider

Dear Gussie!  The Fat One plays all of his voiceletters including a special call from Jeremiah (who has a Chrima recipe so get your pencils ready).  But wait, there’s a recap of the Coal Mine Chrima party AND more Chrima cards.  My apologies to Moose and Buddy Rabbit for the confusion (just remember that BF gets mixed up easily).


5 thoughts on “BFO488 – Chrima Spider

  1. What is the difference between “giving the left nut” and “giving the right nut”?
    This lesbian must know.

    Oh dear, this picture sadly proves how important it is to check your gentlemen callers
    for the STDs before getting in too deep into business – get well soon honey!

  2. fuck me….the man the Skull is introducing as her husband is gentleman caller #374 (aka jackhammer) with the enormous cock that bends to the left!!!

  3. Understatement of the week = “it makes a big ol’ batch.” Good Lord does it ever!! I’ll call 49 friends!!

    Podcasting gold = Christmas spider

    lovin’ it!

  4. Oh, my, was I over served that Sunday morning. Pomegranate wine is a wonderful thing, and everyone should have some. Yes, Merry Chrima and Happy Kissmoose.

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