BFO1091 – Gingerbear Stench

The Fat One finishes the weekend report which included some gentleman callers, a Goggle hangout and more. Plus there are some voiceletters as well. Here’s the link from the April Phool’s e-letter that MooseP forwarded to me. UNDERPANTS

4 thoughts on “BFO1091 – Gingerbear Stench

  1. Well I thought you would be giving a report of yesterday’s P48 discussion, but I guess this episode was recorded previously to it.

  2. About the rules of Bacon’s contest. Miss Bacon is pissed off nobody cares about the contest as not many people played. It had to be changed and make it less the same as in the beginning. But now people seam to care less about it than before. Ruined and sad. They want easy money but don’t want to participate. It was also discussed to put it off and forget it. Though I still want to play.

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