6 thoughts on “BFO250 – Colonic Excitement

  1. You might want to reconsider your priorities, love. One (1!) half sentence about your gentleman callers and 8.36 min about your colonic obsession????

    Or is there a connection I wonder…

  2. “Colonic Excitement” – That’s why I think upgrading to the water saving toilet is a bad idea. I mean, if anyone needs the old water tank from Petticoat Junction behind the commode it’s Big Fatty. Just saying…

  3. Big Fatty, well we all have our moments, you had yours yesterday. But I have to say something other than our drunkin subject, My best friend Brian and I saw Milk lastnight. wow, what a movie. And then Brian made me watch this link if any of you seen this, it has such a great, great meaning. This made me cry, yes I am an old softy, but this is so true, it has such a deep meaning. Please watch it.


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