2 thoughts on “BFO4333 – New Car Fever

  1. Didn’t watch Apple event. Always depended on Archer to tell about it. Really miss the advice. But I tried to watch one of those and found it to be mind numbing. Just couldn’t do it.

    Not hearing about the event has left me not knowing anything about the new phone. But how much does one need to know about a phone? It’s a phone with a camera.

    Regardless, have new phone configured and sitting in my Apple virtual shopping cart. I just need to remember to finalize the transaction Friday morning.

    I always trade phones in every year. By the end of a year, it seems like the battery isn’t working as well as when new.

    Also, Apple gives the highest dollar amount on trade during the first week. Getting $520 in trade.

    Still miss Archer though. He would have told me by now what was in my shopping cart.

  2. Glad to know that Fatty and I are both cheap asses. It must come from being of a certain age. I also decided to upgrade my iPhone 11 to a 16. It’s kinda like a colonoscopy—every five years whether you need it or not. The car crash and fall detectors are what finally convinced me. I consider the phone as a medical expense so I went for the watch with GPS, and cellular too! Medicare should cover them! When Apple gets the approval to add the hearing aid function to the air pods, I might ‘need’ them too!

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