7 thoughts on “BFO45 – 4 Minutes of Horror & Fried Bologna”
I loved “My Favorite Martian,” too. I knew the music right away. But for some reason, I don’t remember any of the colour episodes. Maybe it’s the same reason I sometimes visualise my past in black & white.
I watched My Favorite Martian in reruns…I don’t remember it being in color. I remember having a crush on Bill Bixby.
I can’t wait to hear all those non-podcaster voice letters next week!
Big Fatty,
not only did I eat fried bologna sandwiches, we LOVED a fried Spam sandwich as a kid.
My God.
Fried Bologna and My Favorite Martian.
We are the same person.
It curls up unless you cut it kisses,
Thanks for the helpful recipe, Big Fatty.
The way the economy is going…we could all be eating fried bologna sandwiches for dinner…every night.
Big Fatty I think you have CRS. It sounded like you didn’t remember me when you announced that voice letter I left with Ramble Redhead. I’m going to move to Charleston and marry Larry H. Vader, afterall, he likes to do me in the butt.
And about the fried bologna, I love that, my mom used to make it for me in the summer when I was a child.
Glad you enjoyed the message we left for you – Lauren is an awesome person even though she wants to marry Larry but the good thing is that she did promise I could do her up the butt too!
I loved “My Favorite Martian,” too. I knew the music right away. But for some reason, I don’t remember any of the colour episodes. Maybe it’s the same reason I sometimes visualise my past in black & white.
I watched My Favorite Martian in reruns…I don’t remember it being in color. I remember having a crush on Bill Bixby.
I can’t wait to hear all those non-podcaster voice letters next week!
Big Fatty,
not only did I eat fried bologna sandwiches, we LOVED a fried Spam sandwich as a kid.
My God.
Fried Bologna and My Favorite Martian.
We are the same person.
It curls up unless you cut it kisses,
Thanks for the helpful recipe, Big Fatty.
The way the economy is going…we could all be eating fried bologna sandwiches for dinner…every night.
Big Fatty I think you have CRS. It sounded like you didn’t remember me when you announced that voice letter I left with Ramble Redhead. I’m going to move to Charleston and marry Larry H. Vader, afterall, he likes to do me in the butt.
And about the fried bologna, I love that, my mom used to make it for me in the summer when I was a child.
Glad you enjoyed the message we left for you – Lauren is an awesome person even though she wants to marry Larry but the good thing is that she did promise I could do her up the butt too!