BFO745 – Resident Hysterian

The Fat One closes out the week with a long list and plenty of Chrima Cards.  The time gets away before he announces that there WILL NOT be an LFC tonight and maybe not for the remainder of 2010 (we’ll see).  Special thanks to Tom of Tom and Terry in the Chicargos who sent the photo used as the artwork for today’s LITTLE SHOW.  Those two are so talented.  Happy Weekend.

2010 Chrima Cards – November Arrivals

Based on requests by several listeners to the LITTLE SHOW, the Fat One will begin posting photos at Noon on the day the show is released so that you can actually see the lovely cards received in the Fat Cave.

Here are the ones received in November.  Tomorrow will be the ones received so far in December.  Thank you for calling!

1-Drusilla Bloeme  2-Melissa the Confused  3-Steve in the UhK  4-Miss Wes  5-Lord Byron

6-Omar  7-Michael (redffpup) in the UhK  8-Brother Cinaedus  9-Peter G.