BFO4140 – Guess Who Had Medical Malady…

The Fat One is back to complete the recap of his weekend before opening several Chrima cards. There’s also several submissions for the Chrima Content Contest and some holiday tips. Happy National Hard Candy Day.

BFO3884 – Is That a Cow?

The Fat One kicks off Boxing Day by opening the cards that arrived over the weekend, then does the scratch-off sent by Str8 Bob and finally begins the recap of Chrima weekend. Much more on the weekend tomorrow. Happy National. Candy Cane Day.

BFO3881 – Shortest Day of 2022

It’s the first day of winter (summer in the future) and the Fat One recaps his day in Fat Acres with another tea bagging review, lots of nattering and even has time for several Chrima cards. Happy National Fruit Cake Month.