BFO4427 – BF Was The Listeners’ Playground

After “Good Morning” messages, the Fat One reminds everyone about the #1 Fan Contest, Norah Watch 2025, a winter weather (rat) prediction and general nattering before finishing the Leather Weather weekend recap. Plus there were giftettes presented which you can see at Noon today at the www. Happy National Blonde Brownie Day.

BFO4402 – Catching Up (without Mike and Joe)

After some “Good Morning” greetings, the Fat One recaps the past few days since his return from Hatlanta, has a couple of tea reviews and actually opens a couple of Chrima giftettes. Happy National Roast Suckling Pig Day.

BFO4151 – Several FIRSTS in 2024

After the FIRST “Good Mornings” of the new year, the Fat One recaps a bust day in Fat Acres and concludes the LITTLE show with several giftettes. Happy National Toss Your Fruitcake Day.