BFO3911 – Start of So-So Question Month

Rabbit, Rabbit! The Fat One reads the first of the #1 Fan entries, recaps his day in Fat Acres, takes a trip down Memory Lane and realizes he ruined the entire show in as the closing music plays. Happy National Canned Food Day.

Oh the Horrah!

The Thursday LITTLE SHOW is now correctly posted.  Clearly iTurds was very upset about yesterday’s news and RUINED it.  Clearly not the fault of the Fat One.  Womp Womp. Go get the right show.


Big Fatty went through his photo library and deleted old photos (except the BFO logos).  Unfortunately, I did not realize that this would delete them from the BFO posts.  Sorry!  I promise to be “less anal” in the future.  Go ahead, give me the FINGER!