BFO3939 – Mamarazzo, not Paparazzo

The Fat One closes out the week with sad news, the end of the So-So questions (which is NOT the sad news) and a recap of the day in Fat Acres. Remember to SPRING FORWARD when retiring Saturday night. Happy National Ranch Dressing Day.

BFO3938 – Olive and the Gals

The Fat One returns with a recap of his day in Fat Acres which includes a HUGE coupon report, a party acceptance, lots of nattering and the prospect of answering all of the remaining So-So questions. Happy National Meatball Day.

BFO3937 – Remembering the Jumping Sweet Baby

After some “good mornings,” the Fat One recaps his day in Fat Acres in Fat Acres before answering several So-So questions (to include some via voiceletter). Happy National Peanut Cluster Day.