BFO3803 – Heimscheisser Stone?

The Fat One and Dr. Stone recap their day in Fat Acres which included a trip to the Vons East (no coupon), a Nippa walk, laundry, retrieval of Dr. Stone’s valise and more. Happy Labor Day Weekend (USA only).

BFO3791 – Ship in Amazon packaging selected

The Fat One is back and is joined by Dr. Stone as they recap the day in Fat Acres which includes Dr. Stone’s Bowel Movement Update, the opening of cards and a giftette and the first big reveal of the Cruise of a Lifetime trip! Happy National Vanilla Custard Day.

BFO3789 – A Salve from the Faroe Islands?

The Fat One is back with a recap of the weekend plus Dr. Stone is in the Villa to share some thoughts PLUS we have a quick entertainment update for the Cruise of a Lifetime and a card! Happy National Lemon Meringue Pie Day.