BFO4009 – Meat-Packing Plant

The Fat One closes out the week with more nattering about the Wheel of Fortune, Mr. Cackle’s latest LITTLE show, some e-letters and finally a recap of his day. Don’t forget that BF will be happy to be your father on Sunday. Happy National Fresh Veggies Day!

BFO3995 – A Memorial Day Kerfuffle

The Fat One is in the Connecticut for Meat-a-Palooza but recorded today’s LITTLE show before boarding the aluminum tube of death. There’s a recap of the first half of the weekend, some voiceletters and plenty of nattering. Happy National Coq Au Vin Day.

BFO3964 – Ruined for 8 Years

Before heading to the Metropolis Entertainment Complex, the Fat One celebrated the 8th anniversirarium of living in the Villa and even has time for several voiceletters and plenty of quick trips downtown. Happy National Grits Day.