BFO4257 – Theme-a-palooza

After some “Good Morning” greetings, the Fat One is debuting TWO new bumpahs today as he recaps his day in Fat Acres and offers numerous instances of his continuing journey DOWNTOWN! Happy National Coq Au Vin Day

BFO4254 – Mechanical Day

The Fat One closes out the week with a recap of his day in Fat Acres which included a wine dinner, some Olive estate business, comments on the Survivor, a gas report and a mechanical voiceletter (and a new bumper.). Happy National Escargot Day.

BFO4247 – That’s Incredible!

The Fat One crammed a lot into today’s LITTLE show including a technology segment, an election reminder, a recap of his day and a voiceletter that will elicit the exclamation, “That’s Incredible!” Happy National Chocolate Chip Day.