BFO3807 – Vons East LF FF HG

The Fat One is on his way to the Metropolis Entertainment Complex for the weekend but takes time to recap his day in Fat Acres which included a visit downtown, a gas report, the coupon and a voiceletter. Happy National Date Nut Bread Day.

BFO3806 – Changing the Music and the Graphics

The Fat One is back with a recap of his day in Fat Acres which included a visit to El Dentisto (which is Mexican for… El Dentisto), a gentleman caller, LOTS of nattering and a voiceletter. Happy National Salami Day.

BFO3778 – Silver Fox

After the Vulgarian National Anthem, the Fat One closes out the month with some history of St. Olaf’s Day in the Faroe Islands, a recap of his day in Fat Acres, a cruise update, some quiz program nattering and a voiceletter. Happy National Lasagne Day.

Don’t forget that PRIDE48 starts tonight at 7:45 EDT and that Big Fatty and Larry Vader will be doing a LIVE Little Fatty Cast on SUNDAY at 5pm EDT. Join us in the chitta chat room.

BFO3775 – Falling Off the Ladder… Almost

The Fat One is back with a recap of his day in Fat Acres which included another part of his DIY project, some real estate nattering, a cruise update, a Big Brother chat and a voiceletter that’s been hanging around entirely too long. Happy National Bagelfest Day.