BFO2450 – Vera Glaze

The Fat One starts off with some feelings about the first Father’s Day without the Orange Hat and then recaps the weekend which included a gentleman caller, a visit to the Von’s East, catching up on the tv machine and much more. Happy National Dry Martini Day.

BFO2442 – Hi Jerry!

The Fat One has a full LITTLE show where he natters about the quiz programs, has some Haikus and another Orange Hat story. Happy Humping.

Several people have mentioned that they would like to “do something” and I am certainly grateful for that if you are so inclined. I’m asking you to donate to the Pride and Remembrance Run that turnipHed and UrbanguyTO are participating in at the end of the month.

You can make a donation by CLICKING HERE.

BFO2439 – Leave Me Alone!

The Fat One closes out the weekend with a report on his visit to El Dentisto (which is Mexican for… El Dentisto) before taking several voice letters and recommending a new quiz program. Don’t forget the State of the Station LITTLE show on Sunday night at 7pm EDT. Happy Weekend!