BFO4396 – Game Changer!

The Fat One is back with a recap of his day which included getting a refund, a haircut and a visit to Aldi for Chrima treats. There’s also nattering about a couple of LITTLE shows and a new technology toy. Happy National Lager Day.

BFO4271 – It Has Arrived!

The Fat One is back to recap his day in Fat Acres which included the Home Perm Awards, a memory from BF’s High School days and the Big Announcement you’ve been waiting for. Happy National Picnic Day.

The rss feed for Miss Bacon’s Award-winning Podcast is:

BFO3987 – Poodle and Miss Beaver Celebrate

The Fat One starts the LITTLE show a bit different to recognize the importance of the day but then takes everything off the tracks. But, there’s a voiceletter and some LITTLE show updates. Happy National Cherry Cobbler Day.

BFO3638 – Dreams Come True

The Fat One is back with a recap of his day, an Ask Big Fatty question and a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT… plus the normal disjointed nattering. Happy National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day.

BFO2401 – Musical Concoction

The Fat One has lots of nattering today but has time for a visit to Spotting Big Fatty and a chance to check out what was in the Villa mailbox. Plus there a few Shart Week leftovers. VULGAH! Happy Black Forrest Caaaaaaake Day.