BFO4273 – They Pulled Out the Brooms

It’s the Summer Equinox in Fat Acres and the Fat One is celebrating by telling you that the days start getting shorter on Friiiiiiiday. He also recaps his day which included the coupon, actually two, an eye exam and some tracking of the Nip. Happy National Vanilla Milkshake Day.

BFO4222 – Oooopsie Insurance

After some Good Mornings, the Fat One recaps his day in Fat Acres which included solving an insurance issue on the Villa, a delicious salad, a new Nippa Walk routine and a dream from Moose P. Happy National Cinnamon Crescent Day.

BFO4149 – Welcome to 2024

Rabbit, Rabbit! The Fat One is back with a recap of the last weekend of 2023 which includes a voiceletter, Chrima decorations update, a gas report and BF getting a screw. Happy National Bloody Mary Day.